Monday, 15 February 2016

Yoga Teachers Training India: Origin Of Yoga

Origin Of Yoga

According to various ancient literature Yoga originates from Pre Vedic North eastern India (Currently It’s called Bihar Region) and the early script and writing of yoga were written on the palm leaves and Bhoj Patra which was less durable to preserve and were lost or damaged during the course of time. Some of the scholars got the trace of Yoga literature back to the 5000 years back and some researchers challenged it to 10000 years back .

In the pre-Vedic Indian tradition from one of the Vedas Rig Veda the script of Yoga is mentioned and later in sixth and fifth centuries Yoga was developed in a better and existing way.

There are variety of schools which have their practices and their goals and also with variation in Hinduism ,Buddhism and Jainism  but most acclaimed types of yoga is HATHA YOGA or RAJ YOGA

Although Yoga is defined in the ancient Indian literature as more than physical exercise and termed as union of soul with cosmic consciousness , “Yuj’’ the Sanskrit word means the union and the goal is to achieve the eternal peace by the union soul and  universe .

Yoga Teachers Training India: Origin Of Yoga

In 20th Century many of the Indian Yoga Guru has transformed this unique science and contributed to explore to the rest of world and it become popular mostly as a physical exercise .

Although the concrete existence of Yoga is derived from Vedas but Yoga is never termed as a religion and called as way of living and a good practitioner blends the physical exercise  or ASANAS with Mental techniques includes Breathing exercise which is called Pranayama and Meditation which is Dhyana to achieve the freedom from all physical and mental desires .


Some of the Yoga  Guru from India in late 19th century played a great contribution by exploring and spreading this Unique Science of living to the rest of world.

In our ancient Vedas the script were written in Sanskrit  and Indian Yoga Guru has simplified and translated the script in to various language .

In Hinduism yoga is considered as a Philosophical school ie DARSHANA and consist of Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Kundalini Yoga and Hatha Yoga.

Jnana Yoga- Union due to absolute knowledge

Bhakti Yoga- It’s a spiritual path for the devotion of lord

Karma Yoga- The way to achieve perfection in our act

Kundalini Yoga also called as laya yoga- The yoga of awareness

Hatha Yoga- also called as Hatha vidya and the word HATHA means force , hence the physical stretch at certain direction with calculated balance.

The YOGA SUTRA OF PATANJALI also called as RAJ YOGA ( The Yoga of King) is considered as the central text among the Yoga school and was popularized by many Indian Yoga Guru during 20Th Century .

Swami Vivekanad has major contribution in popularizing the Yoga Sutra of patanjali which has the basics of ASHTANAGA YOGA ( eight limbs)

In Today’s world ASHTANAGA YOGA is very  famous because it has a showcase of body movement and is visible .

Yoga Teachers training In India and rest of world has modified the ASHTANAGA YOGA as ASHTANAGA VINYASA YOGA, although the later one is modern way of stretching the body at certain direction with control of breath and can also called as gymnastic exercise with base of yoga philosophy.

VINYASA is Sanskrit word which means transition from one pose to another hence VINYASA 

YOGA and POWER YOGA should be considered as a generic term for any type of aerobics derived from the Ashanas of ASHTANAGA

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